Liberal Party of America

The Liberal Party of America's political blog "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

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    Tuesday, November 22, 2005

    Health Care

    LPA: Health care is one of the most important issues facing each individual in the United States. Too many people have no health insurance, and it is almost immposible to pay for a surgical proceedures, or a long illness from savings. Most individuals that have no health insurance end up in bankruptcy court, or they die of their illnesses, or they remain sick and or crippled. A family with very limited income can get medicaid, and a family with a large income can purchase health insurance. The vast majority of citizens that make up the middle class must rely on their employer for health coverage. Rising health care costs are making it difficult for employers to pay this premium for their workers.
    National heath care could be an answer. If a company will not provide health care for their employees, then an addidional tax can be levied on them and that tax can be directed to a national health insurance fund. Health care is not a luxury item meant for the extremely poor, or the extremely wealthy. It is a right that all Americans should have by virtue of paying taxes. If health care cannot be guaranteed for it's citizens, then the state should not have the right to tax it's people. If the state can use its tax base for military weapons, covert operations, aid to impovershed nations, and other programs, it can provide health care for it's citizens. This is a moral issue that can't be ignored. It is incumbent on the government to provide basic health care for those that support it, the people.
    The Liberal Party of America supports a national health insurance program that is uniformly administered throughout the country. It should be a federal program, paid by Federal dollars. We will support the candidates from either major political party that support national health care. It is the right thing to do.


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