LPA: The Liberal Party of America is a party that believes that "all humans are created with certain inalienable rights, amoung them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". That is the basic tenant of the U.S. Constitution, and it is the basis of our political party. The only reason a nation is allowed to war upon another nation is when the above rights are violated and it affects The United States and it's citizen's. We are not the world's police force or a world government.
We also realize that except for personalities, that there is not a large divide between the Democrats and the Republicans. The two are almost the same, reaching toward the same voting blocs. We are liberal. We believe that the government should have little say in our day to day lives, as long as what we do, does not trample on the rights of others. We do not judge anyone by the lifestyle they choose, as long as it does not hurt anyone else. We do not believe that the Federal Government should set standards in our schools, these are individual state responsibilities. We do not believe that the government should be influenced by religion. We believe in the strict seperation of church and state. We do not believe that the government is the shepherd of morality. Morality is decided by individuals. The government is created to enforce the law of the land. All laws should be enforced equally, it is not the government's province to decide which laws should be enforced and which laws won't. That leads to tyranny.
These are our founding principles. They are based on the United States Constitution.