Liberal Party of America

The Liberal Party of America's political blog "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

  • Open Secrets
  • Smirking Chimp

    Friday, November 18, 2005

    We Are Losing Our Freedom

    LPA: The Patriot Act is being overhauled. Key elements are in front of Congress to be made ongoing. One of the most sinister elements of the Patriot Act, the right of the FBI to look into a person's medical records, or for an internet provider to turn over it's logs, or for a bank to give copies of personal bank statements, or libraries to show what books and media you are checking out, this is all being done without a warrant from a judge, and over 30,000 of these have been done this year. All of this information about you can be turned over to the FBI without a written order of a judge. The person that turns it over to the FBI is forbidden by law to tell you, or anyone, that this has been done, because that is against the law. In other words, you can have your whole life investigated by the government, and not even know about it.
    This is all being done in the name of "National Security". If the government doesn't care for a new political Party such as the Liberal Party of America, it can go into my medical charts, my bank statements, my computer and any other place it can gather information, much like the Gestapo, or the KGB or any other secret police unit, anywhere in the world.
    The New York Times had an editorial called "Return of the Patriot Act". You can read it in the issue of November 18, 2005. We hope that you read it, and contact your Represenatives and try to get this attack on your civil liberties stopped. This is not a drill. You really are losing your freedoms. What will be next in the name of freedom? The right to assemble? The right of free speech? Is my e-mail being read by Agent Smith? Is Yours? It is your duty as an American citizen to help stop the government from eroding our civil rights under the guise of patriotism. Don't let them make this a permanent law. Don't let them do this at all. Please value your privacy. The freedom you save my be your own.


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