Liberal Party of America

The Liberal Party of America's political blog "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

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    Monday, November 21, 2005

    Reproductive Rights

    LPA: This is a first segment in the platform of our political party. The Liberal Party of America supports a woman's right to choose what should be done with her body. We neither promote, nor condem abortion. The facts of the issue are central to the soul of the party. You cannot legislate morality. Morality is a very subjective thing. My morality may be different than your morality. The question is also answered by the history of abortion. The fact is, if a woman wants to abort the fetus she carries, she will, whether it is legal, or not legal. We feel that if abortions are going to be performed, it is better for everyone that the proceedure be done under medical supervision rather than in a back alley. There are some issues of morality that are black and white, some issues that are right or wrong. In the case of a woman's reproductive rights, that should be left up to the woman in question. The government should not be the arbitrator of morality in this instance.


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