Liberal Party of America

The Liberal Party of America's political blog "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

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    Monday, June 12, 2006

    A Call for Support

    LPA: We are in the process of filing papers in order to register our political party with the various state and Federal agencies that require us to do so. If anyone that reads us, or supports the Liberal Party of America can help us in this endeavor, or knows of someone that can, feel free to get back to us at our website: .

    We feel that the time is right to take an active part in the political landscape of our country. To sit on the sidelines and armchair quarterback, is not what we want to do. If you would like to be a part of the solution, and join us, please contact us on our website. This is an opportunity to be a part of something that may change the world. We don't believe that American values are a thing of the past. The very things that brought the Colonials to the First Continental Congress are still alive in 21st century America. The politics, and the politicians that are in Washington today do not reflect the reality of the way most Americans think. The so-called silent majority that they claim to represent, is no more than a blank check for them to wage war in our name, to tax middle class America out of existance, to deny health insurance to over 50% of Americans, and to fill the coffers of the richest companies in the world on the backs of American citizen's.

    We really believe that "Liberal Values are American Values". The far right has distorted the word liberal to mean everything they are afraid of. The true definition of liberal is:

    Liberal: 1a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attititudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad -minded. c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism. d. Liberal Of, designating, characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britian, Canada, and the United States. 2a. Tending to give freely; generous: as in a liberal benefactor.

    Now is this a definition of a person that is weak on defense? Is this a person that wants a world government at the expense of our freedom? Does this word mean a tree-hugger that is out of touch with reality? No. It means that liberals are open to new ideas. It means that we are broad-minded and lovers of personal freedom and liberty.

    Tell the people that preach hate and Dogma, that you won't stand for it anymore. Let us retire these politicians that have a different face for every different occassion. Let us find Americans that want to elect "Statesmen, not Politicians". Help us to help America.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I am glad to finally see liberals wanting to start a Liberal Party of America! I am a bit curious as to the platform though. What values in particular does the Liberal Party endorse? What liberal strand? So-called "national liberalism"? The so-called "New Left/New Politics" of the 60's?

    I love the thought of having a Liberal Party but I want to be sure that the platform and policies are workable and defendable. What is the approach of this new party to economics?

    I consider myself a liberal and I am interested in being a party of this but I want to know more about it!


    2:32 PM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    Dear Matthew.

    You can click on to The Liberal Party of America at the top of this blog. You can contact us on the "Contact Us" page. Glad to have you

    1:45 AM  

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