Liberal Party of America

The Liberal Party of America's political blog "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

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    Tuesday, January 31, 2006

    A Nation Divided

    LPA: As the Chairman of The Liberal Party of America, I would like to take this occasion before the President's State of The Union Address to pose some questions to the American people themselves. We all know what has happened in this country since the terrible events of 9/11, but I don't think that while we talk about security and defeating terrorism, that many Americans have given the thought of real citizenship in this country, anymore than lip service. This might be a very sarcastic thing to say, but I would like my fellow citizen's to see some of the things that have transpired through non-partisan eyes.
    First and formost, this has become a divided, hateful nation, with people believing politics over principles. I have watched our elected leaders use the war on terrorism as a political tool to advance their agenda's and all that this behavior has led us into, is a world that is more insecure and perilous than it was at the height of confontation during the cold war. At a time when the nation should have come together, I have seen it pulled apart by those on the extreme right and the extreme left. Most folks in the country have political ideals that lie somewhere in the middle. Yet I see no statesmen emerging to try to pull us together, only power hungry politicians of both parties trying to drive a wedge into common interests that are shared by both parties. This is why The Liberal Party of America was founded in the first place. We are not winning the war on terrorism, we are only letting these terrorists pull us farther apart. We need to go back to what the Constitution framed in it's on unique way, that this country is a country with checks and balances. That no one branch of government should have power over the other branches of government. That we all have certain unalienable rights that cannot and should not be taken away by anyone, not by the President, not by the Congress, and not by the Judiciary.
    We can see everyday that the primary argument is not for the welfare of the people of the Unites States of America, but for the welfare of special interests that have slowly but surely sapped the respect that the average citizen has historically had for our elected officials. We have seen our President use his office to push for a right wing agenda that has not been authorized by any laws that have been passed by Congress. When American's ask under what authority the President is acting, we hear shadowy statements such as the Unitary Presidency. Where in the Constitution does it talk about the Unitary Power of The Executive Branch?
    The fastest way for our country to fall, is to not rise to the terrorist threat because we are too busy either trying to grab power, or too busy trying to stop others from grabbing power during a national crisis. This administration should be investigated by a special prosecutor and the President should be subject to impeachment if the results of the special prosecutor has found that any laws have been broken.
    This is a time when all Americans from every party should stop and think about what it is we want the future to hold for America. We can have a nation divided among its people, and a nation derided by other nations for it's failure to consult and act in consort with our traditional allies, or become a responsible democratic nation that lives up to the one person, one vote principle and works within the framework of a world community to solve the problems that are before us. America can only do this if every citizen votes, if every citizen becomes aware of what is happening nationally, and globally. This is a new era, an era where all nations are interconnected by global economics. This is not a world in which one country can act unilaterally as The United States has been doing since the turn of this century. We have to understand that this country has to start working in the framework of an interconnected world, or be a pahriah that ended it's influence by fighting amoung itself.


    Blogger Donald Donato said...

    Speaking on behalf of our California Liberal contingent, we salute this statement by Chairman Gatto, and urge others to act with us to take back our democracy.

    5:59 PM  

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