Liberal Party of America

The Liberal Party of America's political blog "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

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    Monday, December 19, 2005

    Lowell P. Weicker Jr.

    LPA: This Party on numerous occassions has stated that we will probably never field a candidate of our own, rather, we would just edorse a candidate that most closely matches up with our party platform. Today, after a small caucus with some of the people in the party, we have decided to not only endorse a potential candidate, but if he would agree to run under the party banner we would do that. The name of this article gives you the man, now let us give you the reason.
    Lowell P. Weicker Jr. is a Liberal. We are Liberals. Joesph Lieberman, despite what he says, is not a Liberal. He is a Neo-con, dressed in a Democrat's clothing. We don't particularly care for the way he has supported his President at every opportunity he gets. We have written articles about it, so it is no surprise to us that that elements of The Conneticutt State Democratic Party want another Democrat or Independant to run against Lieberman. We do too.
    That's why we would nominate him to be The Liberal Party of America's first candidate for public office. I'm sure that Former Governor-Senator Wiecker realizes that all we have to give him is a handshake at this point, but I beleve that with the proper type of campaign, that disenchanted Democrats, and Liberals that have been on the sidelines waiting for the anti-liberal hysteria to die down in this country, see and believe that the day is ripe for us to get back in the race, that they will contribute time and resources to make this happen.
    If anyone knows Senator Weicker, or knows how to get in touch with him, please write We would be grateful. Also, if you would contribute to his campain(don't send any money yet), please indicate this in the comments at the bottom of the article. This will probably not go anywhere, but it's worth a try! Thanks from the people here at the party.


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