Liberal Party of America

The Liberal Party of America's political blog "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

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    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Gore Returns

    LPA:Al Gore delivered a speech yesterday, that could have been taken from the pages of our website, or our blog. He reminded Americans that this President, does not have the authority to circumvent the very court that was established to give him the authority that he needed to authorize the NSA wiretaps on American citizens. He did not have to resort to beaking the law by not informing them. What Mr Gore had to say was no different than what we have been writing about since the New York Times exposed this betrayal of the trust that Americans put in their president. What was important to me, was the way he delivered the speech. Gone was the old Al Gore who could put you to sleep wiithin the first 2 minutes of uttering the first word, and in his place was a dynamic speaker, who had the courage, to stand up to the Washington Neo-Con gang, and tell it like it is in a forceful common sense way.
    We applaud the speech that Mr. Gore delivered yesterday, and we will continue to watch the things he says, and does in the future. I'm sure that his presidency being stolen from him by political criminals with no scruples radicalized him, but maybe that was just what he needed to become the Al Gore that we see today. Somebody with a clear vision of what our founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the constitution, and wrote the seperation of powers by the three branches of government into law. He spoke eloqently yesterday about that very subject, and here is where I give credit where credit is due. From my own perspective, I believe that Al Gore is coming into his own, as a man, and as a politician, and maybe someday a President that we can trust to bring back the principles that were set forth by the men who wrote our constitution. Let us wait and see what the future brings.


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