LPA: The Liberal Party of America believes that it is a moral travesty that 2% of the population control most of this planet's wealth. These are the same people that don't want the majority of people to know that this planet is faced with the prospects of global warming, and that unless something is done about it in the next ten years, then in fifty years, we will have reached "The point of no return" and that the planet will face things like the jetstream stopping and therefore bringing another Ice Age to the Northern Hemisphere in the space of 15 years, or the Ice caps melting and the resulting rise in sea levels will completly cover all of our coastal cities as well as Florida and Louisiana, or probably both the rise of the oceans and the Ice Age together.
This will occur during severe and numerous hurricanes and cyclones, droughts, and terrible storms. This is not science fiction, it is science fact. Our own government agencies have been censored from giving the American people the facts. This is because things like implementation of things such as the Kyoto Protocals will cost American business money. Money that they do not wish to part with. Woldwide conglomerates do not want the people of the world to know this, else they try to stop it, costing these companies trillions of dollars.
It is the top 2% of the world's population that will kill not only the other 98% of the world, but eventually themselves. Civilization will fall and if anyone survives, we will be thrown back to the stone age. The Hopi Indians say that this has happened many times before. They claim every twenty thousand years. Maybe they are right. All we can see now is that the American government censors any real information about global warming. The immorral part and the shame of it all, is that more than likely, the sheep who make up the other 98% of the world's population will let them do it. You can be one of those sheep, or you can write to your elected officials and demand that the White House stop censoring our own governmental agencies reports.