Liberal Party of America

The Liberal Party of America's political blog "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

  • Open Secrets
  • Smirking Chimp

    Friday, August 31, 2007

    This is a Movement People, Don't Ever Doubt it!

    What’s good ABOUT America? I’m so tired of hearing what’s bad. I know what’s bad. What is bad is that the pharmaceutical Companies, the Defense Contractors, the Insurance companies and the behind the scenes bankers’ control our governmental polices which are bleeding the middle class to death. Our government is destruction bound, using every resource they have in their arsenal to kill other human beings. Politicians are just that, politicians that just aren’t listening to the middle class, at least from the liberal/progressive side. I don’t think they are listening to their own base. I’ve heard many a Republican say that we are heeded for disaster, internationally, domestically and economically.

    So what’s good? My wife told me this morning that we are a “service economy, that we don’t produce anything and the first sector to go in bad economic times is the service sector”. I beg to differ. Industry is still alive, if not well in this country. We still produce more airplanes, cars, computers and heavy machinery such as earth moving equipment than any other nation in the world. (I shouldn’t have mentioned this, once the bankers read what I’ve said they’ll outsource all of that too).

    What’s good about this country is that there are still people that care and want to change it for the better. Whatever we have become, there is always the chance that we can turn the direction that this nation is taking around, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. I know that the Democrats and their refusal to stand up to the Administration dismay many. I feel that too. I’m sure many are just as disgusted by the top front runners, backed by corporate money (not Hillary?) wiping out the field by gaining all the “face-time” on the MSM. I have been watching this with interest, watching how people respond to pure crap that Hillary spews. She recently went to Yearly Kos and proclaimed that she is a “Progressive” oh pleeeaze! She’s about as progressive as Dick Cheney.

    I listened to John Edwards recently. Let’s face it, unless there is a big upset in the Democratic Primaries, Gravel and Dennis are toast. I hope I’m wrong. Let’s see. I’ll be voting for Dennis if he starts picking up steam, If I’m wasting my vote in the SC Primary, I’ll go for John Edwards. I’m beginning to like what he’s saying. He said that he doesn’t accept corporate money and he recently said that the insurance companies, the big pharmaceutical companies run America and it’s got to stop. OK John, you got me so far, I’m listening…

    What’s right about America is the people you love that live here. What’s right is our ability to question authority. What’s right is what’s coming in September. This is the start people. This is the second time I’ve done this, like many of you out there. I see the anti-war progressive movement clarifying and melding into a force to be reckoned with. I saw the same in the early 70’s. This General Strike 9/11 is only a “baby-step”. It has to start somewhere. Let’s use this opportunity to make a statement. Let’s use it as practice for bigger and better ways to express our frustration with a Deaf Congress and a sick out-of-control Executive branch.

    We can express our contempt for Bush and Cheney in September by attending the rallies and stating rallies in every city for the people that can’t make it to NYC or DC! This is what’s right with America. These rallies aren’t “sponsored” by Boeing, Prudential or PPA (the Pharmaceutical Partnership of America). The people of America sponsor it. It’s a grassroots partnership of Americans that want to be heard. That’s what’s good about our country! This is a movement, don’t doubt it for a minute! Unless something alters the current reality, this movement will grow larger and larger until there are demonstrations in every city, every town. There will be a permanent display of the anti-war movement that the mainstream media can no longer ignore. This movement will be an in-your-face, do or die expression disgust with this administration and with Congress and their do nothing attitude. If we accomplish nothing, at least we can show the rest of the world and this government that we won’t blindly accept authority when the policies go against everything we believe.

    It takes Americans time to get angry. I mean really angry. They are getting angry now. I hear it day in and day out, and remember I live in South Carolina, the belly of the beast. So remember the good things about this country. Don’t dwell on the bad. Believe me, we’ll change that sooner than later.

    That’s the way I see it.

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    Thursday, August 30, 2007

    Today is All We Have

    Today is all we have. Tomorrow, whatever your expectations, may simply never come. Today is all be have brothers and sisters. Some of us have done this twice now. We have seen two leaders that have refused to take this nation out of quagmires that kill our young. The best and brightest come home crippled, while the children of our leader suck out of the proverbial silver spoon, courtesy of the US taxpayer and the lobbyists. It’s the same as before. Life goes on.

    All we have is today. Today could be the beginnings of a new tomorrow, or…it could be just another day, it’s all up to you. Today you could prepare for the General Strike on 9/11. Its important that you do this for all we stand for. You can decide that it is just not your way. You can believe it won’t work. You may be afraid to lose your job. Think about what the consequences will be if it doesn’t make a significant impact. That will be another victory for the neo-con hard-liners. It will show the country that we are not willing to stand up for what we believe. Are you ready to say that? I’m not. I don’t think you want them to hold this over our heads. We must make this happen. All you must do is nothing. Stay home and catch up with friends. Take a sick or personel day. Don’t fill up, don’t drive, don’t buy a goddamned thing.

    Today is all we have. This President could declare martial law at the slightest provocation. There are more gun owners in the United States according to Rueters than any other country in the world. U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world's 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies. About 4.5 million of the 8 million new guns manufactured worldwide each year are purchased in the United States, it said. India had the world's second-largest civilian gun arsenal, with an estimated 46 million firearms outside law enforcement and the military, though this represented just four guns per 100 people there. China, ranked third with 40 million privately held guns, had 3 firearms per 100 people. Germany, France, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil and Russia were next in the ranking of country's overall civilian gun arsenals. Only about 12 percent of civilian weapons are thought to be registered with authorities. (Copyright 2007 Reuters Limited).
    Does he really want to declare martial law?

    Today you must believe that we can make a difference. Working within the system isn’t working. Our plaintive cries fall on deaf ears as the politicians blithely walk around with there own agenda. We must work outside of the system. There are mass rallies for September 15th in New York City and Washington DC. I will be in New York. Where are you going to be. Think about that today. If you can be there, please be there. It will be a part of your life forever. I’ll never forget the march on Washington by the Vietnam Vets Against the War organized by John Kerry. This could be bigger than that. Let the MSM ignore this! Please, try to come, we need everyone, so desperately. Today is a day you could decide to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Think about it.

    Today is a good day to be alive. It’s a good day to plan what you are going to do this September. We know that this kind of behavior by our government can’t go on. The torture of prisoners, the lies about 9/11, the taking of our liberties, the right to search our homes without a warrant if we are labeled a “terrorist” or a “terrorist supporter”. The Patriot Act, The FISA Laws where they can read your e-mails and monitor your phone calls, The Military Commissions act of 2006 that condones torture to “organ failure”. The Elimination of Posse Comitatus that lets Federalized Nation Guard Troops be used as Law Enforcement at the whim of the President without the approval of the Governors of the States affected (Revamped Insurrection Act). Does the government think we are going to have an insurrection? Do you? Not today thank God.

    That’s why we need everyone to support these events I just mentioned. We want to do this peacefully. We need to make an impact. We need all of you. Every single one of you. Today is all you have. You can choose to use today to make for a better tomorrow.

    That’s the way I see it.

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    Wednesday, August 29, 2007

    Should We Start Again?

    I've had a poll on this site for more than four months. 77% said that the Liberal Party should start again. I'm willing to join and help. I need participation. If you want to become involved, e-mail me at I'll get back to you. Peace Out.

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