Liberal Party of America

The Liberal Party of America's political blog "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

  • Open Secrets
  • Smirking Chimp

    Tuesday, August 29, 2006

    How to Join The LPA

    LPA: If you are reading this, you might be asking yourself, how can I join the Liberal Party of America? It's not hard. You do not have to give up your current party affiliation to be a part of this new hope for our country. The reason for this, is because we are not yet a fully registered political party. We would be, if we had the membership. If you ever desired to be on the ground floor of a great new movement, here is your chance.

    Before you commit, you might want to check out our website. Click at the blue highlighted area, and it will take you to At this website, you may read about issues that we are trying to address, and our mission statement. Read this carefully, as this is what our party stands for. After yiu read this, and you still want to become a member, and work for Campaign Reform, and other issues that we care deeply about, such as our involment in the middle east, and National Health Care as well as many more issues, just drop an e-mail to the webmaster under "Contact Us". We will get in touch with you, and explain how you can be a part of this.

    We take our mission seriously. We believe that this country needs new and progressive, moderate leadership. We believe that our nation is being divided by political parties that have gone too far to the left AND to the right. We need a common ground that we all can agree on. This is the reason we exist. This is also the reason that we are seeking members that care about the future of our nation. Come with us and become the voice of moderation, in this time of extremes. This can't happen without hard work from people like you and I. Don't count on things changing on their own. This nation is becoming more divisive by the day. Be a part of putting our nation back together again, and making the The United States whole again.

    Saturday, August 19, 2006

    Twenty First Century "Common Sense"

    LPA: As this country nears it’s mid-term elections, we see a country that is taking a definite swing to the left. History has shown us, especially throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that general public consensus, moves like a pendulum, taking swings from the left to the right and then from right to left. It has been a constant shift, and in more ways than one, a good thing. The nations that move too far to the right, or too far to the left, seem always, to find themselves in turmoil that ultimately leads to violence and bloodshed. So this pendulum swing should be regarded as a good thing, not something extraordinary or dangerous.

    The point that this Party would like to bring out is this; the Democratic victories that are expected in these upcoming elections, should not be regarded as the definitive move to the left. The real truth in this twenty first century, is that the Democratic Party is not the Democratic Party of the twentieth century. This is a sad, but realistic assessment. The shift from the far right Neo-Conservative movement to the Democrats, is a good thing, but is definitely NOT a shift to the left. The Democrats, actually, are still at this time, in my humble opinion, just a degree to the right on the pendulums’s swing.

    Why do I say that? It is because of the way that campaigns are funded. It takes an extraordinary amount of money to finance a winning campaign. That kind of money doesn’t come from grassroots support as the Democrats are now claiming. The fact of the matter, is that it comes from corporate campaign donations. That along with union donations, organizational donations, and private citizen donations, make up a political parties war chest. The alarming part of this, is that the corporate donations are the largest part of the take. With corporate donations, certain favors must be returned in order that more corporate donations continue. This line of reasoning is just common sense. It is also common sense to realize that corporate agenda’s do not (except in rare cases) favor moving too far to the left. Corporations do not like to pay taxes, nor do they really like to pay out health benefits and retirement benefits to their workers. In this capitalistic nation, the bottom line for corporations are profits. Most corporations do not see these things as profitable.

    There are really three ways that we can put this nation on the right track. The first, is to change the nature of corporate thinking. Healthy, happy employees are much more productive than disgruntled, stressed employees. To educate corporations and change the current way of thinking, would be in the nation’s best interest. Some corporate boards already are on board with that line of reasoning, and it has shown that enlightened corporations have better workers, thus increasing the bottom line. The second way to change is to install a national healthcare system that is funded by corporate taxes, along with personal taxes. This would take the onus off the corporations to provide healthcare in an environment that charges excessive premiums for healthcare coverage. This is hard to do, because many healthcare providers are also corporate donors to political campaigns. It is hard to take someone’s money, and then legislate against them. The third way, is to stop corporate donations altogether, This would be true campaign reform. It would allow our elected officials to operate on an equal footing, and also allow for legislation for the greater public good, instead of for the corporate good. This too is common sense.

    Another way to send a message to the elected representatives in this country, is to join and back the Liberal Party of America. We want to change the way the political game is played in this nation. We stand for true campaign reform, and a happy, healthy workforce, along with a nation that encourages it’s public officials to legislate for the public good, instead of corporate interests This too is common sense.

    There likely will really never be a third party. Either the Liberal Party of America will replace the Democratic Party that has fallen victim to corporate interests, in the same way the Republican Party had, years earlier, or the Democrats will wake up and smell the coffee and push for true campaign reform before the population of this nation realizes what is happening and replaces the Democratic Party with The LPA or another party that is working in the peoples best interests instead of corporate interests. Time will tell.

    We are asking you to pass along this article to anyone that cares about the quality of their lives. We want the people of The United States of America to know that there are options to the status quo. The more support that we can muster, the more power we will have, by making our endorsement of candidates matter on this nations political landscape. We will endorse the candidates that most closely support our vision for the future. We will try, as we grow in power politically, to support those that endorse true campaign reform. If we cannot influence the political parties that are now the only real powers in this country, the Democrats and the Republicans, we will field our own candidates, and through grassroots support, we will fund our political races, but we will never accept corporate political donations. Think about this article. Think about what we are presenting. We are giving the people of this nation a real choice, not just the better of two evils. This is twenty First Century "Common Sense".

    Wednesday, August 09, 2006

    First Connecticut, Now The Nation

    LPA: The defeat of Joe Lieberman at the Democratic primary in Connecticut is a small victory in a larger war. The idea that a politician can completely disregard the wishes of a majority of his constituents is nothing new. The politicians in this country have been doing it for years. The war in Iraq is just a symptom of what is really going on in this nation, .The majority of the public do not support it, it was started on half-truths and outright lies, and the administration has not been held accountable. Meanwhile the tragic carnage in Iraq goes on, now turning into a civil war which our country unwittingly fostered, by invading a country that had not harmed the United States and had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

    Joe Lieberman supported that war. The people of his party that defeated him at the polls did not. The sad thing about all of this, is that the end has still not played out. Joe Lieberman will run as an independent, and because of the number of registered independent voters in that state, he could still win the election. The fact that he lost the primary is still a victory for all the people that worked together to defeat a man that refused to accept the will of the voters. Senator Lieberman has accused the people that defeated him of being the “fringe” of the Democratic Party, the “left” as they refer to it. The “liberal left” is what they call the activists that want a change to true representative government. The supporters of Senator Lieberman are blaming the bloggers for stirring dissent within the Democratic Party.

    That is the one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever heard. Dissent is not caused by people writing against a candidate. The dissent is already there for the writer to comment on. Blaming his loss on “liberal left blogs” is akin to blaming the loss of an election to unkind editorials in a newspaper. Senator Lieberman holds himself up to be a “uniter” in a Washington that is rife with partisan politics, but when he portrays himself as a victim of “The Radical Left” he is just as much a divider as the people he claims to fight against.

    The Liberal Party of America is not endorsing any candidate. Ned Lamont is a multimillionaire that used a large part of his own funds to win the Primary. While some may call that admirable, we see it as another example of how the wealthy can buy their way into Congress. We are not saying that Mr. Lamont is a bad person because he is wealthy, we may endorse him when the time is right, what we are saying though, is that our elected officials should not need millions of dollars to run for office. If that is the case, than we will only have the very wealthy representing all Americans in Congress. We do not believe that the founding fathers drew up the Constitution to return this country to the rule of the aristocrats. We do not believe that the haves should rule over the have-nots. We believe in equality under the law and equality in our elected government. The only way that we will have equality in our political representation is through real and meaningful election reform. Elections should not be bought by individuals or corporations. To have corporations pour billions of dollars into our political campaigns make them “super-represented”. Then our nation becomes a corporatocracy. That is very close to fascism.

    We have seen how the will of the people can take a Senator’s own party away from him for not listening to the will of the people that elected him. Now we must take our government back from the PAC’s, lobbyists, the mega-rich, and the corporations that are now in control of both houses of Congress. This is not a Democratic or Republican issue. It is an American issue. Just as with Global Warming, the time to act was yesterday.